ABATE of Indiana, Inc. Logo

(Revised October 2016)


Article 1


A) This organization shall be known as ABATE (ABATE is not a club). A Brotherhood Against ­Totalitarian Enactments / American Bikers Aimed Toward ­Education


B) Will not discriminate against any race, religion, creed, nationality, or other basis, and will not violate laws emulating public policy.


Article 2


The officers of ABATE shall be: Executive Director, Operations Director, State Secretary/Treasurer, Region Director and County Representatives.


Article 3A


Duties of the Executive Director:


A) To preside at all State meetings.


B) To have general supervision of the affairs of ABATE, and run the organization under the guidelines set down by the Executive Board.


C ) To appoint any person or committees to special tasks.


D ) To personally represent the organization on proper occasions, lobbying and business contracts.


E) To assist all other officers of the organization and handle problems in general, that may arise.


F) To promote interest in the part of each member in ABATE life and ABATE activities.


G) To vote only when necessary to break a tie.


H) Required to own and/or operate a motorcycle and ride to at least one event per year (exception: medical reasons).


Article 3B


Duties of the Operations Director:


A) To assist the Executive ­Director in the day to day operations of the organization.


B) To oversee satellite operations of the organization. LCRP and Freedom Hall


C) To have general supervision of the affairs of ABATE, and run the organization under the guidelines set down by the Executive Board.


D) To personally represent the organization on proper occasions, lobbying and business contracts as directed.


E) To assist all other officers of the organization and handle problems in general, that may arise.


F) To promote interest in the part of each member in ABATE life and ABATE activities.


G) Required to own and/or operate a motorcycle and ride to at least one event per year (exception: medical reasons).


H) The Operations Director will perform the duties of the Executive Director in the absence of the Executive Director and at the direction of the Executive Director and/or the Executive Board.


Article 4


Duties of the State Secretary/Treasurer:

A) To keep and review all organization records.


B) To perform all duties pertaining to this office under the supervision and direction of the Executive Director.


C) To be responsible for Accounts Payable and Receivable.


D) To be responsible for the transfer of monies between accounts.

1) Any major transfer of monies, which does not include the day-to-day expenses of the State office, are subject to approval by the Board.


E) To be responsible for any investments made with ABATE funds.

1) Changes to investments must have full Board approval.


F) To be responsible for all insurance policies regarding ABATE employees or events.


Article 5


Duties of the Region Director:


A) To have general control over Regional activities including events, County Representatives, and Regional financial reports.


B) To sit on the Executive Board of ABATE of Indiana.


C) Required to own and/or operate a motorcycle and ride to at least one event per year (exception: medical reasons).


Duties of the Assistant Region Directors:


A) May be elected or appointed as decided by each region. Required to own and/or operate a motorcycle and ride to at least one event per year (exception: medical reasons).


B) Assistant Directors work under the supervision and direction of the Region Director.


Duties of the Region Secretary:


A) The Secretary performs all duties pertaining to this office under the supervision and direction of the Region Director.


B) Write a brief summary of the minutes and send one copy to the State office. (The county secretaries send their minutes to the region secretary, who sends all meeting minutes to the state office every month.)

1) Keep track of all the information which will be needed to fill out the year-end list of accomplishments.


Duties of the Region Treasurer:


A) The Treasurer performs all duties pertaining to this office under the supervision and direction of the Region Director.


Article 6


Duties of the County Representatives:


A) To organize and administer their respective county organization within the state.


B) To answer to their respective Region Director.


C) If there is no assistant available to take over as County Representative, the Region Director will appoint an acting County Representative.


Duties of the Assistant County Representatives:


A) May be elected or appointed as decided by each region.


B) Assistant County Reps work under the supervision and direction of the County Representative.


Duties of the County Secretary:


A) May be elected or appointed as decided by each region.


B) The Secretary performs all the duties pertaining to this office under the supervision and direction of the County Representative.


Duties of the County Treasurer:


A) May be elected or appointed as decided by each region.


B) The Treasurer performs all the duties pertaining to this office under the supervision and direction of the County Representative.


Article 7


Duties of the Executive Board:


A) The Executive Board is comprised of the Executive Director and the Region Directors.


B) To set guidelines and have general control over ABATE affairs.


C) To investigate any written complaint registered against a member or officer.


D) To make final decisions concerning conduct problems.


E) The Executive Board will meet a minimum of 6 times per year.


Duties of the Advisory Committee:


A) Review the financial statements monthly and report on these to the Board.


B) Review the projected budget for the year, and report on this to the Board.


C) Review and recommend changes to the Board concerning ABATE properties, goals, and programs; research new programs.


D) Review and recommend salary and benefits for: Executive Director, Safety Director, Operations Director, and Editor.


E) Review and recommend applicants for positions of Executive Director, Safety Director and Editor.


F) Perform the duties of the Operations Director in the absence of the Operations Director at the direction of the Executive Director and/or the Executive Board.


Article 8


Election Procedures


A) General Guidelines:

1) All Regional and County elections are to be completed by October 31st.

2) Each region is to have their election procedure on file at the state office and is to follow said procedure in accordance with ABATE of Indiana state policy.

3) No voting by absentee ballot will be allowed.

4) Individuals signing up as members at the election meeting, or holding ‘guest’ cards cannot accept nomination, nor do they have voting or nominating privileges.

B) Terms of Office:

1) Term of all offices is January 1 through December 31.

2) All ABATE property and membership material will be turned over to new officers by January 15; this includes treasurer reports and necessary documents for transfer of region checking account.


C) Eligibility for Nomination and Voting:

1) An individual may vote, or accept an officer candidate nomination, only in the region and/or county listed on their current active membership.


D) Officer Candidate Requirements:

1) Must be present to accept nomination; should be present at election meeting.

2) Must be a registered voter, and show appropriate proof at time of nomination.

3) Before a candidate for Region Director can assume the office, he/she must have a minimum of one (1) year experience as an ABATE of Indiana officer.


E) Officer Requirements:

1) All officers are required to attend their scheduled region/county officer training; attendance at the Fall Seminar is expected.

2) All elected or appointed officers must sign an agreement form; failure to do so restricts them from holding the office regardless of election results.

3) All newly elected officers are expected to read and understand the ABATE of Indiana By-Laws (available at abateonline.org) before signing agreement and taking office.


Article 9


These By-Laws are subject to change if thoroughly discussed by the Executive Board at a meeting where a quorum is present and after its third reading. Must be done by a majority vote. Policies can be changed by one reading and majority vote by the Executive Board.


Article 10


A) All event income goes to Region and then to state for operating costs. Income will be forwarded from the County Treasurer to the Region Treasurer then to the state office or charity if for a charity event.


B) In the event that ABATE of Indiana, Inc. fails to function, upon all operations being halted by the Board. All assets and properties will be donated to non profit or 501(c)(3) organization. A majority vote will be taken by those directors present as to what organization will receive all assets and properties.


Club Identitication


A) ABATE is not a club. No ABATE back patches will be tolerated at any time.


B) Membership cards, T-shirts, stickers, ABATE state patch and other ABATE products are encouraged as ABATE Identification.


C) We encourage club membership in ABATE, but ABATE will remain as an independent organization fighting for bikers’ rights.


Resignation or Suspension of an Officer


A) If an officer resigns for any reason he or she must sign resignation form and immediately turn over all ABATE of Indiana property and paperwork.


B) To replace Region Director leaving before term is over.


C) All other officers on regional level. Paperwork procedures are the same. Director makes appointments with majority approval of current officers at a regularly scheduled meeting.


D) County officer level procedure same as regional level only difference is members attending the meeting are involved and eligible with majority approval of attending members.


E) Any Officer not performing their job, after assuming office, may be removed from office by the Region Director or the state Executive Director.


Rules for Suspending Officers from their Position


A) After a thorough investigation of Officer, the Executive Director or the Administrative Director can suspend an officer and any events or activities of concern for thirty (30) days.


B) If suspension is needed to be permanent, a letter must be submitted to the Executive Board requesting suspension within five (5) working days from date of suspension.


C) The officer under suspension must request an appeal in writing within five (5) days to the Executive Board from date of notification by registered letter.

1) If no appeal is ­requested the suspension becomes ­permanent.

2) If an appeal is requested, a hearing will be scheduled within ten (10) days from date he received registered letter to investigate and make a ruling on the matter.

a) Committee may take up to ten (10) days to make a ruling.

3) ABATE Attorney should be present to act as an advisor to the Board.

4) The Committee will consist of an odd number of officers consisting of at least five.

a) Executive Director will preside over the hearing. (Vote only in a tie).


Rules for Suspending or Expelling members


A) Any member may be expelled, or have their membership suspended, for conduct unbecoming a member of ABATE; a warning letter must be sent to the member by the Region Director before any suspension or expulsion proceeding occur.


B) Next, charges must be made in writing, and sent to the Executive Director.


C) The Advisory Committee will act as mediator and/or investigator and report back to the board for a vote.

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